They’re from Jefferson City, and selling cookies so they can raise money to fund their fun activities like an overnight trip to the zoo, plus badges and supplies!
Can you help them out?
If you need some recommendations, here is each girls’ favorite cookie:
Fay – Peanut Butter Patties
Libby – Caramel Delights
Jenna – Adventurefuls
Leah – Lemonades, Toast-yay!, Thin Mints, Caramel DeLites
Mary Kate – Peanut Butter Patties, Thin Mints, Trefoils
Ella – Caramel DeLites
Jasmine – Caramel DeLites
What is YOUR favorite Girl Scout Cookie? Honestly, there are no wrong answers, we’re talking COOKIES!
And if YOU want to be the Girl Scout Troop of the Week, register here!