Cosmo & Kat Show’s ‘Nearly Impossible Trivia’

Impossible Triva

Get your brain warmed up every morning at 6:25a and see if you can score some of the sweet prizes from The Cosmo + Kat Show!

Thank You Mid-Mi for helping us raise almost $9,000 for CMN & MU Health Care Children’s Hospital with our Trivia Night!

Tue Mar 18
Q: For some reason this item is given as a gift more often that purchased for our self?
A: A blender

Mon Mar 17 Happy St. Patrick’s Day
Q: 29% of adults use their kids as an excuse to buy this for themselves?
A: Chocolate milk

Fri Mar 14
Q: There are abt 180 million of these online right now?
A: Items for sale on E-Bay

Thu Mar 13
Q: 70% of people say it’s weird to have a pic of this on your phone’s lock screen?
A: A pic of yourself

Wed Mar 12
Q: 20% of people say the most embarrassing thing to happen on a first date was to ___?
A: Forget the other person’s name

Tue Mar 11
Q: A recent Spring cleaning survey found that 10% of the stuff that we have in our homes is___?
A: Not ours! It is actually OTHER people’s stuff

Mon Mar 10
Q: 17% of couples have had “sexy time” interrupted by this___?
A: A Ring Doorbell alert

Fri Mar 7
Q: Abt 75% of us have at least 1 of these, but more than half of them aren’t currently working?
A: Flashlight

Thu Mar 6
Q: 49% of people looking for a new job are worried abt being able to do ____ at their next gig?
A: Make friends

Wed Mar 5
Q: 1:37pm is the most common time for you to do what?
A: Check your bank balance

Fri Feb 28
Q: 8% of people say they can’t remember what??
A: Their first concert

Thu Feb 27
Q: People who spend at least 2 hours and 40 minutes a week doing _____ are more likely to advance in their careers?
A: Play video games

Wed Feb 26
Q: 96% of us say we have no patience for ___?
A: Listening to a voice mail

Mon Feb 24
Q: 29% of us have this for breakfast?
A: Soda

Thanks you soooo much for helping us raise over $456,350 for Children’s Miracle Network!!!!!

Wed Feb 19
Q: 8 out if 10 administrative assistants say they couldn’t get thru a work day with out____?
A: Post it notes

Tue Feb 18

Mon Feb 17
Q: There are more than 40 of these in the avg. home?
A: Lightbulbs

Fri Feb 14
Q: Doing this every day could cause you to lose an entire 6 days of your life?
A: Hitting snooze button

Thu Feb 13
Q: 27% of us do NOT have one of these in our kitchen?
A: Rolling PIn

Wed Feb 12
Q: 11% of American households have these under their beds?
A: Dirty dishes

Tue Feb 11
Q: The avg. American is 41 when they start doing this?
A: Start taking vitamins

Mon Feb 10
Q: 12 billion of these are sold annually but they don’t cost you a thing?
A: Ketchup packets at fast food drive thru

Fri Feb 7
Q: 24% of peole say they feel guilty if they don’t do this every day?
A: Make their bed

Thu Feb 6
Q: Over 300 of these were left behind in hotel rooms in the past year?
A: Prosthetic limbs

Wed Feb 5
Q: 8% of people never do this?
A: Clean their phone

Tue Feb 4
Q: The avg. person does this 22x a day?
A: Open or check their fridge

Mon Feb 3
Q: 30% of all adults admit they haven’t done this since high school?
A: Made a prank phone call

Fri Jan 31
Q: 53% of mothers do this when their kids are not home?
A: Play on their video game system

Thu Jan 30
Q: 37% of pet owners say they do this for their pets every day?
A: Leave the radio or tv on for them

Wed Jan 29
Q: Most people like this but never for breakfast?
A: Fish

Tue Jan 28
Q: 70% of us have made an enemy @work because we did ______?
A: Clipped our nails at our desk

Mon Jan 27
Q: 76% of people do this alone but prefer doing it with a partner?
A: Driving to work

Fri Jan 24
Q: This is the easiest thing to eat while driving?
A: A candy bar

Thu Jan 23
Q: In the mid 1990’s 50% of American adults did this everyday- Now it’s 64%?
A: Drink coffee

Wed Jan 22
Q: 11% of all households have these under one of their beds…more if you’re in a home with teenagers?
A: Dirty dishes

Tue Jan 21
Q: 25% of us are actually relieved when this happens?
A: When friends cancel plans

Mon Jan 20
Q: 48% of men only do this on the wknd?
A: Call their mom

Thu Jan 16
Q: Women are more likely than men to forget to do this?
A: Pay a bill

Wed Jan 15
Q: 1 in 3 have done this in our sleep?
A: Sent a text

Tue Jan 14
Q: More than 1/3 of adults are often embarrassed to do this?
A: Ask for directions a second time!

Mon Jan 13
Q: Over 1/2 of women and a 1/3 of men must have this when they travel?
A: Their own pillow

Fri Jan 10
Q: 7:45pm is the most likely time to see this?
A: A spider in the house

Thu Jan 9
Q: 38% of Americans realize that they are out of shape when they attempt this?
A: Bring in the groceries

Wed Jan 8
Q: 16% of drivers have done this?
A: Hit a mailbox (Cosmo has NOT done this…Kat DID hit a mailbox back when she was a school bus driver!)

Tue Jan 7
Q: 90% of people who try to do this fail at the attempt?
A: Become a vegetarian

Mon Jan 6
Q: This has happened to 70% of us and 13% it happens every day?
A: Phantom Phone Vibrations

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!!

Mon Dec 23
Q: This was created by a department store in 1939?
A: Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer

Fri Dec 20
Q: The first time this happened was on Christmas Eve in 1906?
A: The first song was played on the radio (Oh! Holy Night)

Thu Dec 19
Q: There’s a 30% chance that this will happen to you over the holidays?
A: You will be the victim of a porch pirate

Wed Dec 18
Q: It’s not safe to do, but nearly 70% of us have done this?
A: Leave the Xmas tree lights on overnight

Tue Dec 17
Q: Abt 15% of moms are asking for these for Christmas?
A: Lottery tix

Mon Dec 16
Q: Only 7% of people say they’ve actually done this over the Christmas holiday
A: Roasted chestnuts over an open fire

Fri Dec 13
Q: Nearly 25% of Americans do this in their bathroom?
A: Decorate it for Christmas

Thu Dec 12
Q: Abt 35% of people say they have one of these in their house?
A: Elf on the Shelf

Wed Dec 11
Q: 60% of us plan to do this during the holiday season this year?
A: Try to out gift someone

Tue Dec 10
Q: The avg American will spend more than 9 hours doing this over the holidays?
A: Cooking

Q: Men are more likely to do this around the holidays
A: Pay someone to wrap the gifts

Mon Dec 9
Q: 30% of people did this, this weekend?
A: Bought a real Christmas tree

Fri Dec 6
Q: Before you buy this, it is touched by at least 25 other people?
A: A holiday greeting card

Thu Dec 5
Q: This happens to 17% of us every Christmas?
A: We don’t like the gift we got

Wed Dec 4
Q: This is hard to believe but 20% of your guests would do THIS in your house over the holidays?
A: Use your tooth brush

Tue Dec 3
Q: Between now and Christmas day 38% of kids under 7 will do this?
A: Have a meltdown on Santa’s lap

Mon Dec 2
Q: The avg# of this is 4,500?
A: The number of calories we ate at Thanksgiving

Wed Nov 27
Q: People in the Mid-West are most likely to serve this on Thanksgiving?
A: A Jello dish

Tue Nov 26
Q: By the time your guests arrive more than 1/3 of us hosting Thanksgiving will have done this?
A: Lit a scented candle

Mon Nov 25
Q: 2.5 million Americans have a pic of one of these on their phone?
A: A rainbow

Fri Nov 22
Q: Abt 35% of people will never experience this?
A: Wisdom teeth

Thu Nov 21
Q: 53% of millennials will do this in November?
A: Shop Black Friday (check out great LOCAL deals when you

Wed Nov 20
Q: Since we were born, all human beings fear 2 things. One is falling what is the other?
A: Loud noises

Tue Nov 19
Q: Almost 20% of drivers say this is the most stressful part of driving?
A: Getting passed by semi trucks

Mon Nov 18
Q: More than 20% of women say this action by their spouses drives them %^&#*$^@ crazy! what is it?
A: Leaving a wet towel on the bed

Fri Nov 15
Q: The avg. US household will lose 3 of these every year?
A: Spoons

Thu Nov 14
Q: The avg. person does this nearly 100 times a day?
A: Check to see what time it is

Wed Nov 13
Q: 20 years ago people did this on avg. 3x per day, now it’s 1x or less?
A: Make a phone call

Tue Nov 12
Q: If you have this job you walk abt 4.5 miles per day?
A: A nurse

Mon Nov 11
Q: Nearly 80% of people are confused by these?
A: Food labels

Fri Nov 8
Q: 25% of people say this is true about their lives?
A: It would make a good reality show

Thu Nov 7
Q: In 1974 there were 1/2 a million of these now there are none?
A: Paid toilets

Wed Nov 6
Q: It’s hard to believe but this lasted 90 years
A: The longest marriage

Tue Nov 5
Q: A poll of 1,000 guys asked what one thing they’d like to say to a woman but don’t dare?
A: You wear too much make up!

Mon Nov 4
Q: Nearly 90% of us will do this over the holidays this year?
A: Cut one dish from the Thanksgiving feast menu

Fri Nov 1
Q: In a poll of expectant moms, this is ranked as the most craved food?
A: Nachos

Happy Halloween
Thursday Oct. 31

Q: Nearly 80% of us refuse to do this by ourselves?
A: Watch a scary movie alone

Wed Oct 30
Q: The avg. distance we would travel for this is 4.3 miles?
A: How far we would travel to take kids to get better candy

Fri Oct 25
Q: 1 in 7 people say they actually enjoy this?
A: Awkward situations

Thu Oct 24
Q: Since 2020 Almost 20% of people say they don’t do this on a regular basis?
A: Use deodorant

Wed Oct 23
Q: This is true for 25% of iPhone users?
A: They would not date an Android user

Tue Oct 22
Q: 77% of adults surveyed say they feel nostalgic abt this?
A: Trick or Treating

Mon Oct 21
Q: This improves your chance of getting a promotion at work?
A: Smilling

Fri Oct 18
Q: These did not exist until the early 1800’s
A: Marshmallows

Thu Oct 17
Q: The smallest one of these is only 2ft across?
A: A park (Mill Ends Park Portland, Ore)

Wed Oct 16
Q: This was invented in 1958 + it’s probably in your pantry right now?
A: Ramen Noodles

Tue Oct 15
Q: 63% of people say this happens to them every day?
A: They forget what day it is

Mon Oct 14
Q: Nearly 20% of people did this in the month of September?
A: Already bought their Halloween candy

Fri Oct 11
Q: The older you are the more likely you are to do this?
A: Unpack your suitcase while staying at a hotel

Tue Oct 8
Q: Every year there are about 40 quatrillion of these in America?
A: Fallen leaves

Mon Oct 7
Q: 23% of Americans say they do this every Halloween?
A: Pretend they are not home

Fri Oct 4
Q: 10% of people don’t know this abt their own family?
A: What their grandparents did for a living

Thur Oct 3
Q: Most people consider this a priority but they don’t do it?
A: Eat breakfast

Wed Oct 2
Q: In the past 6 months over half of us have had a dream abt this?
A: What we’re gonna eat the next day)

Tue Oct 1
Q: 22% of perspective car buyers have done this on a test drive?
A: Brought their dog along

Mon Sept 30
Q: The avg. person says they fail to DO THIS abt 55% of the time?
A: Make a good first impression

Fri Sept 27
Q: One of these typically lasts for 5 days?
A: A roll of TP

Thu Sept 26
Q: Only 12% of us still have this from elementary school?
A: A best friend

Wed Sept 25
Q: 30% of Gen Z’ers say they first felt like an adult when they did ____?
A: Made their own car repair

Tue Sept 24
Q: More than 3/4ths of women do this every day, while less than half of men do it…What is it??
A: Make their bed

Mon Sept 23
Q: 60% of us don’t know this despite seeing it just about every day?
A: Our own license plate number

Fri Sept 20
Q: New research shows that Wednesday is the best day of the week to do this?
A: Take the day off from work

Thu Sept 19
Q: People under 40 say you have a better chance of getting a second date w/them if you do this?
A: Use emojis in your txt messages

Wed Sept 18
Q: 81% of Americans have this in common?
A: They like where they live

Tue Sept 17
Q: 15% of people have admitted to doing this?
A: Reading someone’s journal

Mon Sept 16
Q: The last time this happened was in 2006?
A: A movie was released on VHS

Fri Sept 13
Q: 90% of people who experience this are women?
A: They’re afraid of throwing up

Thu Sept 12
Q: This makes you less productive?
A: Being in love

Weds Sept 11
Q: You’re more likely to do this on a Wednesday than any other day of the week?
A: Go on a first date

Tue Sept 10
Q: In a relationship this stops happening after 6 dates?
A: You stop spending to impress

Mon. Sept 9
Q: The avg. person says they were 16 yrs old when they first experienced this?
A: Their first cup of coffee

Thu. Sept 5
Q: 1 out of 4 women say this makes them feel younger?
A: Having hair died blonde

Wed. Sept 4
Q: This is true for 15% of the adult population in America?
A. Will bet on an NFL game

Tue. Sept 3
Q: Dads are more likely that moms to do this for their kids?
A: Buy them books

Thu. Aug 29
Q: 42% of us have one of these in our house right now?
A: An old cell phone

Wed. Aug 28
Q: Nearly 20% of women have one of these and haven’t told their partner abt it?
A: A new credit card

Tue. Aug 27
Q: If you do this on a first date it doubles your chances for a 2nd one?
A: Share some of your dessert

Mon. Aug 26
Q: In a new poll 21% of Americans describe themselves as a _______ person?
A: Cat person

Fri. August 23
Q: Most of us consider it to be rude, 16% of us do it anyway?
A: Play on our phone during a wedding

Thu. August 22
Q: 13% of people never change this abt. their routine?
A: Their radio

Wed. August 21
Q: On avg. we’ve done this 28x over the last 5 1/2 months?
A: Made the same meal

Tue. August 20
Q: There are 82 of these for every person on Earth?
A: Legos

Mon. August 19
Q: Abt. 10% of us have done this at least once in our lifetime?
A: Worked at a convenience store

Fri. August 16
Q: On avg. it takes 3 days to do this?
A: Recover from vacation

Thu. August 15
Q: More than 50% of us say we feel more comfortable at a hotel if it has ___??
A: Clean and well maintained carpet/flooring

Wed. Aug 14
Q: 35% of couples say they have had a fight abt ____this summer?
A: How or where to park the car

Tue. Aug 13
Q: The avg. American will spend 54 hours a year doing this?
A: Shopping online (have you used yet?? Great local Mid-Mo deals!!!)

Mon. Aug 12
Q: 60% of people say they are overwhelmed by having too many of these?
A: Passwords

Fri. Aug 9
Q: Abt 15% of people say they have missed work because of this?
A: A pimple

Thu. Aug 8
Q: 8% of people discovered this about their partner while on vacation?
A: That their sig other is afraid to swim

Wed. Aug 7
Q: In the entire USA there’s only one of these?
A: A state named after a president

Tue. Aug 6
Q: 1 out of 3 people would choose this as their last meal?
A: Fried chicken

Fri. Aug 2
Q: This is more likely to happen to you if you’re stressed out?
A: Get bit by mosquitos

Thu. Aug 1
Q: A survery found that our favorite summer activity as a kid was hanging out with friends. What was #2?
A: Camp fire or bon fire

Wed. July 31
Q: If you’re average you do this 4x a day?
A: Keep your opinions to yourself

Tue. 7/30
Q: 10% of us legitimately hate this about summer?
A: The entire month of August

Mon. 7/29
Q: Restaurants did not have these 1971?
A: Frozen margarita machines

Fri. 7/26
Q: Only 20% of men do this every day?
A: Housework

Thur. 7/25
Q: This happens 250,000 times a year in the US?
A: Someone breaks off an engagement

Wed. 7/24
Q: 45% of people said they would never have one of these?
A: End up having a gender reveal party after all

Tue. 7/23
Q: The avg. American will do this by the end of JUly?
A: Pay off holiday debt

Mon. 7/22
Q: 6% of people say they only like one kind of ___?
A: Ice Cream

Thu 7/11
Q: More than 30% of us have done this in the kitchen?
A: Dropped food on floor and used it in meal anyway

Wed 7/10
Q: If you’re avg you will do this 50x a week?
A: Say “Thank You!”

Tue 7/9
Q: 27% of married people have this in common?
A: They call their In-Laws “Mom or Dad”

Mon 7/8
Q: According to a relationship expert doing this will improve your friendships?
A: Move away

Wed 7/3
Q: 9% of people say they’re gonna do this at their 4th of July cookout this year?
A: Pair a wine with a hotdog

Tue 7/2
Q: 56% of us like to brag abt finding one of these?
A: A big sale (shop local and save everyday

Mon 7/1
Q: 25% of people don’t own this basic item?
A: Fire extinguisher

Friday 6/28
Q: This toy from the 70’s was originally designed for medical purposes?
A: Silly string

Thursday 6/27
Q: 2% of us do this 7 times a day
A: Drink a cup of coffee

Wednesday 6/26
No trivia…Cosmo had a colonoscopy and you should talk to your doc about when the time may be right for you too! Early detection is key and it could save your life!

Tuesday 6/25
Q: 55% of us buy this for the 4th of July holiday?
A: Bug spray

Monday 6/24
Q: The world record for stacking these is 5?
A: M&Ms

Friday 6/21
No trivia today we had our 3rd Annual True North Radiothon with Brian Wear Plumbing and raised
$37,158.28!!!!!! Thank you so much Mid-MO!!! You can still give to True North here

Thursday 6/20
Q: 25% of women say they would break up with a guy if he did too much of ______?
A: Tanning

Wednesday 6/19
Q: 17% of people have not done this physical activity since high school?
A: Run

Tuesday 6/18
Q: The avg American consumed almost 13 lbs of this last year?
A: Breakfast cereal

Monday 6/17
Q: What is that one word txt that people hate the most?
A: Sure)

Tuesday 4/16
Q: This is true for 74% of Moms polled?
A: They tell their kid(s) that they are the Best Mom Ever!

Monday 4/15
Q: This is true for about 33% of adults?
A: They have a criminal record

Friday 4/12
Q: More than 1/2 of people surveyed have done this at least once?
A: Brought donuts

Thursday 4/11
Q: 20% of women do this before they workout?
A: Put on lip gloss or lip stick

Wednesday 4/10
Q: The avg. person will turn this on and off 4x a day?
A: Their vehicle

Tuesday 4/9
Q: This is true for only 4% of Americans?
A: The can eat with chopsticks

Monday 4/8
Q: Coffee is the most recognizable smell-what is #2?
A: Peanut Butter

Bonus Eclipse Day Question– What year did Mitubishi first release the Eclipse??
A: 1990

Friday 4/5
Q: On average it takes about 3 minutes for this to happen?
A: You get bored of a conversation and check out

Thursday 4/4
Q: The avg. time for this is 3.5 days?
A: Your feet to stop hurting with a new pair of shoes

Wednesday 4/3
Q: Most people will last 9 days with this?
A: Check engine light

Tuesday 4/2
Q: Avg. American does this 5x a week?
A: Researches something online they didn’t mean too)

Monday 4/1
Q:  0% of people find these annoying?
A: April Fools Day pranks

Friday 3/29
Q: 10% of people do this at work?
A: Quit over a txt

Thursday 3/28 
Q: For the 1st time in 5 years the value of this is down?
A: A lost tooth

Wednesday 3/27
Q:  75% of us have skipped a social event because of this?
A:  Didn’t want to deal with parking

Tuesday 3/26
Q: Almost 60% of people look forward to doing this this Spring?
A: Mowing the lawn

Monday 3/25
Q: Only 5% of men will get this this week?
A: An Easter basket

Friday 3/22
Q: Avg. person spends more than $200 a year on this?
A: Making your home smell good

Thursday 3/21
Q: During Spring cleaning we will throw out a combined 37 million of these?
A: Mismatched pieces of Tupperware

Wednesday 3/20
Q: Q: According to a new survey, 52% of people who are currently dating say they’ve been on a date with someone they met HERE?
A: On LinkedIn

Tuesday 3/19
Q: The avg person does this 8x a year?
A: Order something online and FORGOT what they purchased

Monday 3/18
Q: Since the 70’s 50 million people have done this?
A: Filled out a NCAA bracket

Thursday 3/14
Q: Kids do this more often now more than ever?
A: Use their parents credit cards w/out permission

Wednesday 3/13
Q: Oddly enough 25% of people find this sound to be annoying?
A: Birds chirping

Tuesday 3/12
Q: 25% of couples say THIS is their partner’s worst habit?
A: Leaving wet towels on the bed

Monday 3/11
Q: 25% of couples say this is their partner’s worst habit?
A:Leaving wet towels on the bed

Friday 3/8
Q: Recent stats show that over 20% of us keep track of this everyday?
A: How much water we drink

Thursday 3/7
Q: The average woman does this 150x a year while the avg. man does it just 10x?
A: Check their horoscope

Wednesday 3/6
Q: 1 in 8 adults confess that they never allow themselves THIS during a busy day?
A: To take a break

Tuesday 3/5
Q: Millions of people between the ages of 25-34 say they always call someone to help them do this?
A: Help hang pictures on the wall

Friday 3/1
Q: Doing this every morning slows your heart rate and lowers blood pressure?
A: Eating breakfast in total silence

Thursday 2/29 Happy Leap Day!
Q: The avg. child does this more than 1,500 times by the time they are 18?
A: Ask for a pet

Wednesday 2/28
Q: 20 years ago 78% saw this as an important adult task. today, that number is cut in half!
A: Shaving

Tuesday 2/27
Q: 73% of men say they’ve done this when talking to a woman?
A: Cross their fingers

Monday 2/26
Q: 56% of people say they plan to do this in the next month?
A: Watch the Oscar nominated movies

No Trivia on 2/22 or 2/23 for CMN Radiothon!
Thank You Mid-Mo you helped us raise $225,100.30!!!!

Wednesday 2/21
Q: 80% of people under the age of 30 say they’ve tried this but it is impossible?
A: Drive with out music on the radio (We agree! you should ALWAYS listen to Y107)

Tuesday 2/20
Q: About 30% of Americans say this is their favorite thing about winter?
A: Wearing warm fuzzy socks

Monday 2/19
Q: This has happened to 48% of us during a winter time?
A: Got a car stuck in the snow

Wednesday 2/14
Q: 40% of us would like to change this about ourselves?
A: Our voice

Tuesday 2/13
Q: The first one of these was created in Mexico (the country not the mid-Mo city)
A: A caesar salad

Monday 2/12
Q: The first time this happened was in 2010?
A: First pic uploaded to Instagram

Friday 2/9
Q: 34% of people admit that this has happened to them at a Super Bowl party?
A: The fell asleep

Thursday 2/8
Q: 50% of dog owners claim their dog loves to _____?
A: Watch TV

Wednesday 2/7
Q: 25% of us absolutely DO NOT want this for Valentine’s Day?
A: Balloons

Tuesday 2/6
Q: On avg. just over 300 of these were left in a hotel in the last year?
A: Prosthetic limb

Monday 2/5
Q: 29% of men admit they’ve never done this at home?
A: Clean the toilet

Friday 2/2 Happy Groundhog’s Day
Q: 55% of employees say it is NOT appropriate to do this at work?
A:  Take off your shoes

Thursday 2/1
Q: 20% of people say this is the spot where they hide cash?
A: In a pair of shoes or boots

Wednesday 1/31
Q: 68% of workers say they prefer to do this at lunch time?
A: Eat at their desk

Tuesday 1/30
Q: 85% of these are purchased by women?
A: Valentine’s Day cards

Monday 1/29
Q: On average we do this far less than we did 50 years ago?
A: Take baths

Friday 1/26

Thursday 1/25
Q: The average parent says this lasts about 3 hours?
A: A kid’s birthday party

Wednesday 1/24
Q: 20% of people start doing this in January?
A: Christmas shopping

Tuesday 1/23
Q: More than 1/2 of workers say they wish their workplace would upgrade their___?
A: Coffee

Monday 1/22
Q: 95% of people say they get nervous when they hear the phrase_____?
A: “We Need To Talk!”

Friday 1/19
Q: On avg. people who try this give up after 3 months?
A: Becoming a vegetarian

Thursday 1/18
Q: If you’re having trouble sleeping do this?
A: Paint your bedroom purple

Wednesday 1/17
Q: This is more likely to happen to you during a full moon?
A: Get bitten by a shark)

Tuesday 1/16
Q: 1/3 of those under the age of 40 say this is the hardest part of growing up?
A: Meal prep or planning – cooking

Friday 1/12
Q: According to a survey, the avg person does this for about 3 hours over the wknd?
A: Unpaid work

Thursday 1/11
Q: If you’re average you haven’t done this in 5 months?
A: Clean out your fridge

Wednesday 1/10
Q: Nearly 15% of us say we absolutely refuse to do this?
A: Wait on hold on the phone

Tuesday 1/9
Q: The #1 cause of peoples aches and pains is sleeping in the wrong position. What is #2?
A: Doing laundry

Monday 1/8
Q: Millions of households updated this item for the first time in 9 years, but waited till after Christmas to do so?
A: Get a new vacuum cleaner

Friday 1/5
Q: The avg. amount of this is 292?
A: Number of licks to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop

Thursday 1/4
Q: Nearly half of the people surveyed say they never experienced this as a child?
A: Being grounded

Wednesday 1/3
Q: If you’re a parent you’re more likely to enjoy this?
A: Drinking chocolate milk

Tuesday 1/2
Q: This is true for 2/3 of people in the world?
A: Have never seen snow in person

Happy New Year!!!! 

Wednesday 12/27
Q: What was last year’s most commonly returned Christmas gift?
A: Pajamas

Tuesday 12/26
Q: 55% of moms say that this happened to them over the 3 day Christmas holiday weekend?
A: They forgot where they his a gift

Friday 12/22
Q: The tallest one of these EVER was over 20 stories tall?
A: A Christmas tree

Thursday 12/21
Q: Over the course of your lifetime you will own approximately 155 of these?
A: Tooth brushes

Wednesday 12/20
Q: Experts say if you want to keep your New Year’s fitness resolution, you should do this?
A: Start in December…don’t wait for Jan 1

Tuesday 12/19
Q:  68% of people polled about holiday traditions say they’ve never done this at Christmas time?
A: Gone Christmas caroling

Monday 12/18
Q: 3 out of 10 homes have one of these during the holidays?
A: An Elf on the Shelf

Friday 12/15
Q: 30% of us will def do this during the holidays?
A: Unbutton your pants)

Thursday 12/14
Q: There’s a 30% chance this will happen to you over the holidays?
A: Had a package pirated off their porch

Wednesday 12/13
Q: During the holidays 60% of people will do this at least 10x??
A: Watch a holiday movie

Tuesday 12/12
Q: 15% of people say they’ve actually done this during the holidays?
A: Intentionally given a gift for someone just to spite them

Monday 12/11
Q: Men are more likely than women to do this around the holidays?
A: Pay someone else to wrap their gifts

Friday 12/8
Q: Nearly 25% of households do this in the bathroom?
A: Decorate it for Xmas

Thursday 12/7
Q: If you’re avg. you do this 94x a year?
A: Do a good deed

Wednesday 12/6
Q: 25% of adults say they haven’t done this in 20 years?
A: Been in a snowball fight

Tuesday 12/5
Q:  45% of people think it’s rude to do this?
A: Leave a NYE party before midnight

Monday 12/4
Q: Right now this is happening about 160 times a day in the US?
A: Someone falls off a ladder putting up Christmas lights

Friday 12/1
Q: The avg person spends about 34 hours of their lifetime doing this?
A: Untangling Christmas lights

Thursday 11/30
Q: The avg. length of time for this is 36 hours?
A: How long a dirty dish sits in the sink

Wednesday 11/29
Q: only 3% of us do this on Xmas Day?
A: Put up the Christmas lights

Monday 11/27
Q: Nearly 45% of people say they’ve never done this?
A: Lied about their age

Friday 11/17
Q: There are only 2 of these in the United States?
A: Towns named Turkey. (Turkey, TX and Turkey, NC)

Thursday 11/16
Q: 7% of people plan to do this before hosting a Thanksgiving gathering?
A: Hide your valuables

Wednesday 11/15
Q: Over 1/2 of us would like to do this over Thanksgiving holiday?
A: Block or ban a specific relative from coming over

Tuesday 11/14
Q: 1 in 5 people say this is true for their family?
A: They have their own language

Monday 11/13
Q: The avg cost of this is $130.00 a month?
A: Dating

Friday 11/10
Q: The avg person does this for 30 mins a day?
A: Chews food

Thursday 11/9
Q: More than 80% of Americans do it, but women are slightly more likely to do so?
A: Snoop on someone else’s phone

Wednesday 11/8
Q: 1/3 of people under 40 say this is the hardest part of adulting?
A: Meal prep/planning

Tuesday 11/7
Q: America is now #1 in the world for this?
A: Tattoo removal and corrections

Monday 11/6
Q: This is true for abt 33% of Americans?
A: They have a criminal record

Friday 11/3
Q: 6% of women have admitted to doing this at a Halloween party?
A: Make out with a stranger because of “Costume Confusion”

Thursday 11/2
Q: 8 out of 10 women have one of these in their
A: Eyelash curler

Wednesday 11/1
Q: 10% of people are already worried about this over the holidays?
A: Meal time seating chart/Where’s everyone gonna sit

Tuesday 10/31 Happy Halloween
Q: The rule is there can only be 3 of these per year
A: Friday The 13ths

Monday 10/30
Q: The avg person says they need 3 of these
A: Pillows

Friday 10/27

Thursday 10/26
Q: On avg it takes less than :05 for a person to decide this?
A: Whether they like a song or not

Wednesday 10/25
Q: 1 in 5 people have one of these?
A: A favorite pen

Tuesday 10/24
Q: 10% of renters admit to doing this?
A: Hide pets from their landlords

Monday 10/23
Q: A majority of workers say they would stay with a company longer if they offered _____?
A: Pet benefits

Friday 10/20
Q: The avg person says they fail to do this 55% of the time?
A:Make A Good First Impression

Thursday 10/19
Q: Psychologists say that doing this for 12 mins a day reduces stress
A: Talk to a family member on the phone

Wednesday 10/18
Q: The average person does this 4x a year online?
A: Self diagnose a medical issue i.e. Web MD

Tuesday 10/17
Q: This happens 93 million times a day in North America?
A: Someone takes a selfie

Monday 10/16
Q: A new study determined that this is probably dirtier than your toilet?
A: A Make-up Brush

Friday 10/13

Thursday 10/12

Wednesday 10/11
Q: 40% of us have secretly done this at work?
A: Change the thermostat

Tuesday 10/10
Q: 9/10 kids will eat this at some point over the next 2 months while only 1/10 adults will?
A: Snow

Monday 10/9
Q: This is a horrible idea to do, but 30% of people still do it?
A: Continue to use a default password

Friday 10/6
Q: 75% of people in the world will be doing this at 4pm??
A: Napping/Sleeping

Thursday 10/5
Q: Statistically this is a better investment than stocks, bonds or even gold?
A: Legos

Wednesday 10/4
Q: The chance of this happening to you is down 50% from 2019
A: Getting stuck intraffic

Tuesday 10/3
Q: 75% of people say they prefer to do this at home?
A: Drink wine

Monday 10/2
Q: Hard to believe 25% of adults do this every night?
A: Sleep with a stuffed animal

Friday 9/29
Q: 25% of millennials admit to doing this at their
A: Bring a condom

Thursday 9/28
Q: 25% of 40 year-olds have never done this?
A: Been married

Wednesday 9/27
Q: 24% of people have one of these right now?
A: A cracked phone screen

Tuesday 9/26
Q: 13% of people say they do this while watching TV?
A: Turn on subtitles

Monday 9/25
Q: You’ll burn 3,600 calories a year doing this?
A: Brushing your teeth

Friday 9/22
Q: The #1 we we waste time at work is _______?
A: Talking about the weather

Thursday 9/21
Q: 10% of us have eaten 6 of these in one sitting?
A: Tacos

Mon 9/18
Q: This past weekend this happened in nearly half of the 50 United States?
A: Corn mazes opened

Friday 9/15
Q: 44% of people say they would give up social media for a month if they could avoid this?
A: Mosquitos

Thursday 9/14
Q: Almost 50% of us have one of these in our car &  it doesn’t?
A: Air fresheners

Wed 9/13
Q: Surprisingly 8% of Americans say they would like to spend more time doing this?
A: Having more screen time

Tue 9/12Q: 30% of people say it’s been more than a month since they’ve used ___?
A: Cash $$$$

Mon 9/11
Q: 25% of people say this is more important than a washer & dryer?
A: Wifi

Fri 9/8
Q: Most women keep the same one of these for 12 years?
A: Hair stylist

Thu 9/7
Q: 25% of couples have shared this?
A: Their Underwear

Wed 9/6
Q: 15% of Americans did this for the final time of the year over the Labor Day wknd?
A: Ate a hot dog

Tue 9/5
Q: You are more likely to do this at 6pm than any other time of the day?
A: Order food delivery – Grub Hub, Uber Eats etc.

Fri 9/1
Q: 20% of moms have done this to teach their kids a lesson?
A: Hide stuff

Thu 8/31
Q: 80% of women agree that men over 30 should not do this?
A: Wear an earing

Wed 8/30
Q: 15% of people say they’ve stopped doing this_____?
A: Wearing deodorant

Tue 8/29
Q: 30% of parents say they get stressed out when doing this for their kids?
A: Making or packing their school lunches

Mon 8/28
Q: 15% of us have done THIS embarrassing thing while exercising?
A: Fall off treadmill

Fri 8/25
Q: 40% of men and 10% of woman have done this in their life?
A: Be in a band

Thu 8/24
Q: 18% of pet owners do this?
A: Include their pets in their will

Wed 8/23
Q: 40 years ago 4/5 households had one of these…now only 3% do?
A: Air popper popcorn maker

Popcorn popper

Tue 8/22
Q: What’s the most common thing that most adults use every day?
A:  Paper, stationary etc. post-it note

Mon 8/21
Q: The avg. woman complains abt this at least 2x a day?
A: Men/ their sig other

Fri 8/18
Q: 10% of married couples met their spouse here?
A: Elementary School

Thu 8/17
Q: According to a recent ROKU survey, people say that they get frustrated by their partner’s tv habits…What is their top frustration?
A: Volume to loud/or too quiet

Wed 8/16
Q: This is banned in 1 in 5 schools BUT is legal in all 50 states?
A: Peanuts/Peanut Butter

Tue 8/15
Q: 75% of guys say they would NOT date a woman who has one of these?
A: An Only Fans page

Mon 8/14
Q: Most of us have 1 of these but at 5% of us have 2!
A: Middle names   (What’s your middle name? Do you have more than one?)

Thur 8/10
Q: 70% of all people say that after shopping we want one of these?
A: A Paper receipt NOT an e-receipt

Wed 8/9
Q: Only 10% of us say we like the taste of ____?
A: Envelope Adhesive

Tues 8/8
Q: People are most likely to do this between 8am-12n?
A: Hit a drive-thru

Fri 8/4
Q: Almost 20% of people agree that a really good friend should be willing to do THIS for you?
A: Bail you out of jail

Thu 8/3
Q: What is the #1 thing women lie to other women about?
A: How much they spent on that outfit/clothes

Wed 8/2
Q: 15% of people say this is the #1 thing they forget to take on an overnight getaway?
A: Underwear

Tue 8/1
Q: Abt 20% of the food you bought the last time you went grocery shopping has something specific in common?
A: It gets wasted, left to spoil

Mon 7/31
Q: 5% of divorced people will do this at some point?
A: Re-marry their ex

Fri 7/28
Q: Over half of soon-to-be brides won’t book a wedding venue unless it has this?
A: Free wifi

Thu 7/27
Q: 55% of people admit they’ve lied abt this to avoid hurting someone’s feelings?
A: Their cooking

Wed 7/26
Q: On avg people under the age of 35 do this for avg of 3.5 hrs a day?
A: Wear headphones

Tue 7/25
Q: 20% of adults say they still have an emotional response to this sound?
A: Ice cream truck

Mon 7/24
Q: The average worker will spend 6 minutes doing this today?
A: Look for another job

Fri 7/21
Q: 2% of people say they never wash this?
A: pillow cases

Thur 7/20
Q: A new study shows that we waste abt 15% of our time at work on this?
A: Computer issues

Weds 7/19
Q: 1/3 of women say they always do this before heading out the door?
A: Check out their booty in the mirror

Tues 7/18
Q: About half of us admit to talking to this machine?

Mon 7/17
Q: The avg person will say this 5x today?
A: Thank You