7 Bizzare Laws That We Have Right Here In Missouri

In honor of New Hampshire scrambling to close a loophole that allowed pregnant women to kill people, here are seven weird laws that we have right here in Missouri!

1.)In St. Louis it is illegal for an on-duty firefighter to rescue a woman wearing a nightgown. In order to be rescued, a woman must be fully dressed.

2.) In Kansas City, children can buy shotguns…but they can’t buy a toy cap gun.


3.) It is illegal to honk the horn of someone else’s car.

4.)Brothel Law says that it is illegal for four or more unrelated women to rent an apartment/house together.

5.)Clotheslines are forbidden in Columbia, but hanging your clothes on a fence post is okay.

6.) In Jefferson City, you can not have a garage sale last longer than 3 days and you can’t have more than two sales per year.

7.) It is illegal to have oral sex.

I know these sound crazy but Missouri is not the only state to have laws like this! Know any more crazy laws that make no sense? Let us know in the comments below!

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