Campus Tracks 11/12

I enjoy walking campus so much more when the weather nice and this week was one of those weeks that had me looking forward to my treks to class. Through the process of cause and effect I can say with 100% certainty that this led to a larger than normal list for Campus Tracks, and for whatever reason it took me down a more pop path.

“Heaven” Niall Horan- This song perfectly embodied how I was feeling walking around seeing the fall look around campus. This was the one that I had on repeat the most throughout the week, and I know I’m a little late to the hype train on this one but I love rediscovering songs. I’m a sucker for a good hook and that’s my favorite part about Heaven.

“The Hard Way” PNAU and Khalid- This is a song that I was a big fan of when it first came out and I don’t think it got the love that it deserved. I had it in a playlist with Heaven and I was just really enjoying throwing it in rotation with Heaven.

“Saviour” Ellie Goulding- I will forever and always be a fan of Ellie Goulding’s music, and this is one I also feel like didn’t receive the love it deserves when it came out. My roommates and I went through a small Ellie Goulding phase this week which reminded me of this song and it had to go into the rotation.

“No Photos” Don Tolliver- This wouldn’t be Campus Tracks without a Don Tolliver song. I had given No Photos a couple run throughs before but for some reason it had never really stuck out to me. Third time was the charm I guess because it really stuck with me this week with the hook being the catchiest part that I was constantly wanting to hear again.