Campus Tracks 1/20

Campus Tracks 4-21

It’s great to be back in Columbia and on air! It isn’t great having to walk to class in this horribly cold weather. There was only one thing that could save me on these walks and that was music so here are the songs that got me through my week trekking through snow and ice to earn my education.

Mr. Jones by Counting Crows kicks things off for this week. I made it a New Year’s resolution to take a deeper dive into the genre of rock and I’ve really enjoyed doing it so far. Rock was pretty much all that I listened to over my winter break and Mr. Jones was one that really stuck around with me. It’s one of those songs for me that brings me nostalgia but I don’t remember much of the song. Maybe I had never heard it and just the vibe of the song takes me back to what I consider simpler times.

Heart Racing by Kanii, Riovaz, and Nimstarr is the second track this week. I don’t like to admit this but I found the song and these artists on TikTok at the beginning of the week and I decided to check them all out. I went down a rabbit hole of all of their music and came out a fan of pretty much all of their work specifically this song which they all collaborate on. Heart Racing has a similar 80s, maybe disco, vibe to what is on one of my favorite albums of all time Alone at Prom. Each artist has a much different voice making them all stand out in their own way during the song. There’s no real down time during this song, and it has what is always most important for me, a catchy hook. These guys all have their own respective careers, styles, and followings that you should definitely check out if you have the time.

waiting alonE by Riovaz and Kanii is the final song for this weeks campus tracks. Also that isn’t a typo that’s how they spell it for whatever reason so I’m going to stick with it. I wasn’t lying when I said I went down a rabbit hole on these guys. I found a playlist made entirely of all of the songs by the artists in Heart Racing, and I was very impressed with everything I heard. waiting alonE was by far one of my favorites from that deep dive. Riovaz has an amazing chorus and overall vocals that take this song to the next level along with what I consider more of a rock instrumental compared to Heart Racing.

Columbia winters are always tough for me, but here I am in year three continuing to thug it out thanks to songs like these. I’ve got to have the best of the best to get me through these cold weather days so be sure to keep checking in on Campus Tracks each week!